November 17, 2014

[FACEBOOK/TRANS] 141117 TVXQ!'s Message for "Finding Hope for the "Early Children"

Facebook post:
["Our Thumbs Are The Best" with 동방신기(TVXQ!) ]

"This is a message of hope for the "early children" from TVXQ, who are in the midst of preparing for their sole exclusive concert in December, which will make one's hearts feel warm. 

Just like TVXQ's support cheers, the "early children" who have been well taken care of 2-3 years after they are born are able to grow up healthily and hardily without losing out to their peers. 

Please show your support by "liking", "sharing" and leaving "comments" so that this can become hope for the families of the "early children". 

Together with TVXQ, we will also show a thumbs up for the "early children"!

#"Premature children" NO -> #"Early children" YES

TVXQ's video message:

"Instead of tagging the label "premature children" to the children who have started their journey in this world fast and are slightly smaller than the rest, please call them in our pure Korean language "early children", which contains encouragement and support. The "early children" who have been well taken care of 2-3 years after they are born are growing up healthily and hardily without losing out to their peers. "Our Thumbs Are The Best!" Till now, this has been TVXQ. Thank you." 

[*note: this is a campaign to change the perception and the labelling of "premature children". It is a little difficult to (i) translate and (ii) explain the difference between the terms "premature children" and "early children" from the Korean language, but the former is a Korean translated term of "hanja" while the latter is a pure Korean language term. The latter use of "early" (more positive) aims to change perception instead of the use of the term "premature" (slightly negative connotation).]

Credit: 이른둥이 희망찾기 Facebook
Translated by mug_ping
Shared by Uknow Paradise

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