Tohoshinki challenged five missions together with their fans! The fan club event gathered ca. 100,000 people.
The event was for their fans, therefore the contents are quite different from their live performances (concerts). For example, there did a long rope jump and cooking and their fans were involved so that it was fun for everyone.
After the opening movie, YH and CM appeared in the venue from the back on a trolley. Fans cheered them loudly and they kept smiling and waving their hands at their fans till they reached to the main stage. Once they were on the stage, they greeted their fans, "Hello, we are Tohoshinki!"
YH: We have a limited time, but we want to become one with our fans to clear the missions.
CM: We want to enjoy this event as much as we can and have no regret.
With regard to the second dome tour, TOHOSHINKI LIVE TOUR 2015 WITH,
YH: We are in discussion with our staffs to make the tour being meaningful/memorable (to everyone)
CM: I do not need any explanation. I will show it off to you! (laugh)
They also introduced their new single that was just released just a day before the event, "TIME WORKS WONDERS" to their fans.
CM: It is a ballad song with a R&B flair. It is mellow but cool.
YH: The title is a bit long and its easy to make a mistake. I also said "TIME WORKS WONDER" and forgot to add 's' at the end.
YH made the audience laugh :)
This year was the third time for them to have this large scale fan event. Every event, TOHOSHINKI and their fans "Bigeasts" were assigned to some missions and they need to clear/accomplish these missions together. You are able to see the side of the members/the two of them (more close to their own natures) that you do not normally see on stage (live concert), You can have direct interactions with them, there are many elements that the fans can enjoy so much.
This time, they had five missions to challenge. The first one was to gather/collect at least 15 items from the list of 30 items within 10 min. The items included a Bigeasts membership card, Bigeasts fan club goodies, something that almost all fans have, or neck pillow, frying pan/skillet, something that you would think, who would bring such things to the event!?, and etc. The two of them walked around the venue and they pick items from their fans directly. When they started to look for items, fans made a loud noise and tried hard to appeal them about what they had. They enjoyed the (direct) interaction with the two. But today was the last day of the fan event, so the fans had already exchanged informations prior to today's event and they were well prepared. Because of that, the two could find items really easily. However, TOHOSHINKI knows how to entertain/tease their fans. So they did use the total of 10 min and checked carefully the items and gave themselves a new mission of finding items that are more fun/entertaining. They enjoyed interacting with their fans. For example, YH was looking for something gold. He borrowed a ring and said, "this suits me perfectly!" and put it on his fingers. When YH picked a neck pillow in strawberry print (on the list, there were neck pillow and something strawberry), he complained in a cute fashion, "I do not know which category this one belongs to."
The second mission was, SKETCH-A-GUESS game. Some Fans selected from the audience needed to guess what YH and CM had drawn on the board based on the title/word given to them. If fans were able to have 10 correct guesses, they could clear the mission. But it was more challenging than everyone had anticipated. The day before this event, YH was able to clear the mission so he said, he was fully confident! But once it started, his talent in drawing was questionable (laugh). He drew an eggplant like thing for a strawberry.. He drew something that did not look like an animal for camel. Although CM was able to draw simple pictures capturing the characteristics of the items and was able to finish earlier than the time limit. they were not able to clear this mission. YH was trying to let people know that it was not him but it was his hand's fault.. so he apologized to fans only by his hand (just a gesture) (laugh)
The third mission was Jump-a-Long-Rope. Team TOHOSHINKI and Team BIgeasts (8 ppl) jumped a long rope separately and if they were able to jump in total of 30 times, they would clear the mission. It sounded like that Team Bigeasts in the previous events were not doing well in this mission.
YH: (even you cannot jump many times), we (Team TOHOSHINKI) can make it so count on us!
But Team Bigeasts were able to jump for 24 times! CM wanted team Bigeasts to jump for 30 times and he asked the fan who got caught in the rope, "Why? Why did you get caught?" (laugh) But at this point, Team TOHOSHINKI needed to jump at least 6 times to clear the mission. After jumping for 9 times, CM intentionally got caught in the rope in order to keep his energy. Fans were not very happy.
CM insisted,"For Today's event, it is important to clear this mission, it is much more important than dancing or singing! We do not need to jump for more than that we are assigned!"
But at the end, in response to YH's push, CM ended up by challenging in jumping for 40 times all by himself (laugh). YH volunteered to turn the rope around. He turned the rope in irregular speed, sometime faster, sometime slower but CM was able to clear the new mission, thanks to his excellent reflexes. However, CM ran out of his energy completely, he collected the rope immediately after 40 jumps, threw the rope to the back stage, and threw his body to the floor and could not get up for awhile (laugh).
The fourth mission to challenge together with the completely exhausted CM was COOKING. The fans selected would judge how well they prepare the dish and one of TOHO dancers would evaluate the taste of the dish. The two did lottery to decide that YH was Sensei-teacher and CM was the assistant. They needed to make miso soup. YH helped CM putting on an apron. YH declared, "I will make something that you have never seen (had) before!"
YH selected daikon radish, white negi (leek), wakame (kelp), katsuo (bonito flakes) and white miso paste. CM asked YH, "How about nameko mushrooms?" YH then tasted the raw nameko mushrooms and he looked unpleasant (raw nameko must be yucky). When YH started to cook, he ignored CM who were still very exhausted and cut white negi (leek) and threw them into a pot on the stove (the pot has nothing in it, no liquid-water). You could hear sizzling sound of the leek getting cooked.. and the fans started to give him boo. YH did not seem to mind that at all (laugh). After a while he added water finally, so everyone anticipated that he will make a soup stock with bonito flakes. Instead, he threw more leek, daikon in a big pieces, kelp, and nameko into the pot .. and he added miso to the water that was not boiled yet. People asked YH, "What about bonito flakes?" YH said he would add it at the end. He added dashi soup stock, tofu in one piece (without cutting, straight out from its container) and eggs beaten by CM.. and he added bonito flakes as the finishing touch. YH poured some of his miso soup (a strange looking thing) to a bowl while spilling some. CM tasted the soup and after some consideration he said, "This is something beyond the taste of miso soup that i knew." The Bigeasts judges were not able to give YH good points so YH was not able to clear the mission. The dancer who tasted the soup said, "it is yummy." but he also gave YH a low score because it was not miso soup as CM commented. YH said, "If its tasty and that all matters!" YH looked sharply at the fan judges and the dancer.
[note: typically, you first soak a dried kelp in water and then cook water. Just before boiling, you take the kelp out from the pot and add bonito flakes, turn the heat it to low and cook for ~ 5 min or so. You strain bonito flakes through a strainer. The clear liquid is dashi - Japanese soup stock. Then you cook tofu, leek, mushrooms in the stock. When they are fully cooked, you add miso paste through a strainer. simmer a little and serve]
The last mission was to enjoy the best of TOHOSHINKI's performances (songs and dances). Of course, this was the easiest mission to clear. The red light of fan sticks filled the dark venue. TOHOSHINKI and dancers appeared on the stage. Their casual atmosphere in the previous four missions was great but the two on the stage (their performance) were amazing. The first song "Superstar" was followed by "Sweat" this summer's hot song - they performed the two dance songs back to back. During the third song, "miss you", they walked from the main stage to the sub stage in the back of the venue. They told their fans that there were two more songs to go. Fans made noise that they wanted more. The two explained that the remaining two songs were for their fans. They performed their new song, "TIME WORKS WONDERS" and "White" that was a Xmas present from TOHOSHINKI to their fans.
Finally,the two spoke to their fans.
YH: "We do not need words (to explain) to Bigeasts. I felt that we were bonded." CM:" I really had a great time with you." TOHOSHINKI and Bigeasts shouted, "We are T!!" together and the event was finished. It was the best event ever to reassure the strong bonds between TOHOSHINKI and Bigeasts. The next time, we can meet TOHOSHINKI is most likely at the dome tour.. but in December, their new album "WITH" will be released, so that I anticipate that the love between Bigeasts and TOHOSHINKI will continue to grow deeper.
Japanese text by Sachie Takimoto
Translated by beriko0214
Shared by Uknow Paradise
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