November 25, 2014

[TRANS] Full Version of Tohoshinki「WITH」Album Concept

My thoughts of meeting you (/i miss you) become stronger when we can't (*meet). 

Tohoshinki's new album「WITH」always with you
feel the thoughts of Tohoshinki in 14 songs. 

2011 'Tone':
[Revival of Tohoshinki], with the resolve, we began playing a new TONE.

2012 'Time':
[Vow to live as Tohoshinki], walking powerfully/strongly ahead with TIME.

2013 'Tree':
Under [A TREE called Tohoshinki], we nurtured an important story.

Protecting Tohoshinki, being with Tohoshinki, everything that we have nurtured, it means that no matter when, no matter where, (we will) always protect you who believes in Tohoshinki.

However, there will come challenging days.
So for now, Tohoshinki's NEW ALBUM 'WITH'

Even if we are far apart, our hearts are aligned.
Even if there are trials, we will conquer (them), and become one in the end.
This are all the feelings encompassed in WITH.

When we are unable to meet, the feelings of missing will become stronger.
Maybe it will be defeated by sorrow,
But, we still believe.
When we cannot meet, our bond will become stronger.
No matter when, no matter where,
We will always be with you.

* all mistakes are mine. / adjusted word order / words for better flow.

Translated by snxy
Shared by Uknow Paradise

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