February 27, 2015

[FANACC/TRANS] 150226 Tohoshinki Live Tour 2015 ~WITH~ at Tokyo Dome, Day 2

Fanaccount by meg008itsmysoul:
  • At last YH said.there r ppl of many type of situation who may feel uneasy.but u come here& spend good time WITH us.thats why we're here^^😭😭😭At last YH said.there r ppl of many type of situation who may feel uneasy.but u come here& spend good time WITH us.thats why we're here^^😭😭😭

Translated by snxy:

  • #tohowithtourtokyo day 2 yunho's reason for fans being less high than yesterday 😂 f: qingxin218 

  • Changmin sang the with you (points) x3 part, it was really nice 🎵 #tohowithtourtokyo day 2 f: qingxin218
  • f: chichari豆 red ocean #TohoWithTour tokyo day 2 😘 

  • Changmin covered Yunho's tummy 😂@f: 小桃爱樱桃酱 #TohoWithTour tokyo day 2
  • Changmin's protectiveness over Yunho's tummy? 😂 #TohoWithTour tokyo day 2 f: nodako206 

  • Ofc Yunho would think Changmin sang Kyuhyun's solo well 😎 #TohoWithTour tokyo day 2 f: qingxin218 

  • 😂😂 yunho >< #TohoWithTour tokyo day 2 I WANT TO SING f: nodako206 

  • Changmin picked up a pink streamer and tied it around his head f: chichari豆 #TohoWithTour tokyo day 2 😂
  • f: nodako206 her reaction to yunho's white costume (i love it too😋) #TohoWithTour tokyo day 2  

  • Ok why are the boys so troll today? 😑😂 #TohoWithTour tokyo day 2 f: qingxin218 

  • Changmin stripped ww “@tv2xqjamocha: チャンミン脱いだ 東方神起 サクラミチ”
  • 😏😂 f: yunhonho Changmin: even on a night w/o u, no more cry, do not cry. yunho: yes do not cry rassungoreirai rassungoreirai #TohoWithTour
  • Today during STL shim seemed to be singing it in a higher key♡like XJapan “@hysayuaya: 今日STLでシムがワンオクターブ高いキーで歌ってた♡XJapanみたいだったwwwwww”
  • Yunho: it's hot outside. BE: ne? (Cos it's cold) Yunho: it's hot because i say it's hot! “@s2_snsd_s2:..#TohoWithTour”
  • Today's maximum and rising sun's Yunho was too good. Too amazing. #TohoWithTour “@coscosy: 今日のmaximumとrising sunのユノが凄すぎた。すごかった。”
  • After WHY's 'ah-!!' Yunho smiled ㅠㅠㅠ #tohowithtour “@coscosy: Whyの「あー!!!!」の叫びの後、ユノ、ニヤリって笑ってたㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ”
  • While the stage was moving during STL, Yunho bowed many times in various directions to the arena. “@smallhare: ユノが..律儀なユノ♡ #TohoWithTour”
  • STL changmin poured water on himself, took off his top (& slipped in e water) 💜x 4 Yunho: TOKYOo! “@sayu_urin33:  #TohoWithTour 東方神起 サクラミチ”
  • Changmin imitated shooting a gun aT the start of DIRT “@anywhere4you: Dirtの始まりでチャンミン銃で撃つ真似してた #TohoWithTourTokyo  東方神起 サクラミチ”
  • Seems there'll be a surprise announcement at Kyocera or Tokyo in April! #TohoWithTour “@tvxq2ho6no: noriko39tvxq サプライズ発表があるみたいです!京セラか4月東京で!”
  • Today's Yunho sang WITH LOVE in a v relaxed voice,it was v nice! Trembling at the beauty! F:@pinky206baby:#TohoWithTourTokyo  #東方神起  サクラミチ”
  • 💜Yunho: (did i) properly convey (my) feelings? I am glad to be able to be standing here in Tokyo Dome #TohoWithTour “@akapitvxq7: ユノ「ちゃんと...
  • During STL, Yunho shouted 'let's go! (Ikuwayo/cute way😂) ww “@tv2xqjamocha: STL今日もユンホの『いくわよーーー!』聞けたw気に入ってるのかなwww東方神起 サクラミチ”
  • During the MC, changmin said 'yunho with shimu--de-s-u~ qtps “@ryuhey0218: 【150226 東方神起 ..《ユンホwithシムでぇ〜〜す》 男から見ても可愛すぎた……笑 #TohoWithTour”
  • During Survivor, Yunho did a 💜 with the dancer.. Somehow it was v manly“@mysweetyYUNHO: ..(´Д` )❤️ 東方神起 サクラミチ #TohoWithTourTokyo”
  • The grandparents who are Tohoshinki fans ;; “@YODMANOODlllll: ขออนุญาติคุณตาคุณยายในภาพ แต่เห็นแล้วน่ารั๊กน่ารัก!❤️💑

  • www yunho and the sakura tree #TohoWithTour tokyo day 2 f: tagged 

  • Yunho's words ;; the meaning for which Tohoshinki exists 💜 f: nodako206 #TohoWithTour tokyo day 2 

  • Yunho's effect ;;; #TohoWithTour tokyo day 2 f: UKnow0103 via kyoumo0206 #lastrt 

Translated by changmin_et_moi:
  • Changmin didnt wear the necktie at all today (which he did always like in the pic)  cr; qingxin218 #TohoWithTour 

  • Ment  .... YH: it's hot out there today! ..... Fans: cold!..........YH: just say it's hot! Say it's hot! Because i say so! Cr: 薇鴦竹落 #TohoWithTour 東方神起 サクラミチ
  • Ment: talking abt the weather #TohoWithTour  (Cr: qingxin218)

  • Ment #TohoWithTour .... CM: With you (points) with you x3 (he sang this part) Cr: qingxin218
  • Ment #TohoWithTour how cute!!....YH: Thank you for protecting my tummy Cr: 囧紙可是機智的腎寶, 薇鴦竹落 

  • Ment (Cr; 蛐蛐withTVXQ) #TohoWithTour

  • CM: pls listen to the next song.....Fans: EHHH~~....YH: (loudly) i want to sing!Becuz i want to sing! I'm an artiste! cr:nodako206 #TohoWithTour
  • CM: didnt i sing KH's solo the previous time, but KH said I didnt sing his song well...YH: It's ok, i think you sang well...Cr: qingxin218
  • Ment (Cr qingxin218) their fanboys ^^; #TohoWithTour

  • Changmin picked up a pink streamer and tied it on his head! (Cr: chichari豆) #TohoWithTour 
  • CM tied a pink streamer arnd his head and was shaking while holding a yellow signed ball (cr; 蛐蛐withTVXQ) #TohoWithTour
  • CM pretended to unbotton during Maximum, then he shoke his head (cr: 囧紙可是機智的腎寶) #TohoWithTour 
  • Fans saw Yunho's chest today! #TohoWithTour (cr: 囧紙可是機智的腎寶)
  • Encore MC #TohoWithTour 
  • Toho weather talk again (Cr: qingxin218) 

  • YH:everyone worked hard to film the backstage VCR.CM was working very hard to eat delicious food.. CM: It isnt!Just vegetables! (蛐蛐withTVXQ)
  • Ending speech (Cr: qingxin218)

  • Changmin took off his top! #TohoWithTour
  • During STL, while Changmin was singing, Yunho was bowing continuously to the audience(cr: 薇鴦竹落) #TohoWithTour 
  • Ending speech by Yunho (Cr: nodako206) #TohoWithTour 

  • Changmin in a gd mood (Cr: 你好我是摸摸) but pls be careful... #TohoWithTour 

  • Lols so CM, did you sing it well or not? And YH is so sweet to CM as usual ^^ (Cr: 你好我是摸摸) #TohoWithTour 

  • Changmin slipped during STL and a dancer helped him up (cr: max_minmin) #TohoWithTour 東方神起 サクラミチ
  • Encore Ment (Cr: 你好我是摸摸) #TohoWithTour 東方神起 サクラミチ 

  • Ment (cr: sivasingh, wenerqilei) #TohoWithTour 


Shared by Uknow Paradise

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