3. Our fans cherish/care for this TOHOSHINKI together…
Excite: The final of this tour is at Tokyo Dome on April 2nd. What kind of live do you want to show people on that day?
Yunho: How the live will turn out to be? is something that I would think about it just before going up to the stage. So I do not think about that until then. However, through our tour, we will get used to how we are directed.. something along the line, therefore I anticipate that we can perform with full confidence. I think we will explode everything. Whereever we go, we will do all our best to near death on our final day. We have concerts at Tokyo Dome in February and April, so I think we will evolve in between the period. I wish people who came to our February concerts will come to the April concerts. I wish to show our best to all.
Changmin: We have performed live or had events at Dome for a few times, but I was not able to watch our audiences and enjoy our live during the live. However, somehow, out of the blue, I was able to see our audiences very clearly. I saw a few 10,000 people cheering at us.. and I could see their penlights.. this was my very first experience. I can't say that I was not relaxed to the extent in our previous concerts, but I saw it clearly and felt "Wow, it is so beautiful".. I could finally do that this year. I want to enjoy the power, love and cheers from our audiences and will do my best while having the mindset that some day I will be able to repay their love.
Excite: This year, the two of you are celebrating your 10th year anniversary since you debuted in Japan. Can you tell us your honest thoughts about it?
Changmin: To tell the truth, looking back the past 10 years, I do think that many years have passed.. but I do not feel it too special. Until now, I cherished my time year by year and this is one of many years.. However, the number. "10" in two digits is something new. Japan is a second home to the two of us, but it is a foreign country. The number symbolizes that we have been loved a lot just like now in abroad.. and I am really grateful to that.
Yunho: It really is incredible. I was not even an adult 10 years ago. 10 years anniversary means that I have been able to keep this job since I became an adult. Also it is not very common that so many people give us love this much, is it? But this is not because only TOHOSHINKI did their best.. but everyone spent time together with us.. therefore we were able to do it. Our fans have cherished this TOHOSHINKI and have been doing their best, that is why we were able to come this far.
Excite: What is the most memorable thing in this 10 years?
Changmin: The live at Nissan Stadium. That many.. over 70,000 people came to our concert.. I was really suprsied about myself.."Who am I? Was I someone like that?" "This many people came to our concert.. and Have I become someone who can influence people this much? Who am I now?" I would never forget that.
Excite: Do you have some moment at Nissan Stadium that you remembered clearly?
CM: When we were performing a song that is exciting and rhythmical, we all were waving our hands and were jumping. If I get 10 people together in one place.. and even those 10 are my friends, it is difficult to make us one with something. Do not you think so too? However, over 70,000 people .. of course those are someone who support us.. but every we do not have direct relationships, through our songs, we are connected and create one scenery is, I believe, truly amazing.
Excite: What about you Yunho-san?
Yunho: Of course, the Nissan Stadium live was incredible, but I think, right now, now we are celebrating our 10th year anniversary will be the most memorable thing for me. We started our career at a small venue and all the way up to Nissan Stadium.. everything is very important for me and because of everything we are able to celebrate our 10th year anniversary. I have not changed much since I came to Japan till now. But starting at the small venue and now.. there are people who love TOHOSHINKI this much and people who are interested in us. Every little thing in the past is all good to me. And altogether, we are able to celebrate our 10th year anniversary so I think this, right now will become the most memorable moment.
Excite: Well then, can you tell us about which part your partner has advanced in the last 10 years with regard to vocal and dance?
Yunho: Changmin has evolved a lot. About his vocal, I think he is more true to his heart compared to in old days. In old days, he focused too much to sing well.. and I sometimes felt that he was not able to put his soul into the song. But now, he has advanced remarkably. He really amazes me by that. and Now he can sing so well that he can dance well to. He dances so very well now. I think he can do his own style of vocal and dance reflecting who Changmin really is.
Changmin: From the beginning till now and from now on.. I cannot make any comment on Yunho's dance (laugh). He was so good from the beginning. I do not have a mouth to give critiques on Yunho's dance.
Excite: (laugh) Okay then, How about his (YH's) vocal?
Changmin: I cannot say anything about his vocal either (laugh). But for sure, Yunho has evolved in expressing delicate details. In old days, just like his character, his vocal is rather manly.. he tend to express in straightforward fashion. But these days, YH is so very good at expressing delicate details. I can feel that.
Excite: When do you feel on stage or at your live that you can make a use of your past 10 years experience?
Changmin: I am not in shock when my voice cracks.
Yunho: That is right! My voice cracked on the very first day of our tour, a bit. "Ah~" (laugh) Well I still regret about it now, but when I was a new in this business, if something like this happens, my tension kept declining from the moment and the live ends before my mood improved. These days,"it is one of the attractive point of live, is not it?" I can make it up with the next song. I've started to be able to have a space in my heart/relax a little.
Changmin: When I make such mistake..in old days.. I was too upset and was not able to keep focused and I would show how I was feeling on my face. I was like that.. but now because I have been doing this for 10 years.. even I make mistakes.. this is not my first time. things happen.. I could let it go.
Excite: Okay, What is your dream and goal?
Yunho: I've kept saying this.. I wish to be on stage as long as I can. But if I can pick one, I wish to do live at Nissan Stadium one more time. Why I say this is that I think the last time was our first time and we were lucky. So I wish to convince myself that it is not because of luck. I want to see you all one more time at Nissan Stadium.. and TOHOSHINKI will do our best.. and I wish to tell you all, because of your support, we have come this far.
Changmin: I wish to perform live stages with a lot more people than what we do now. This is my immediate dream. For example, we could have more than a day live concert.. two days, three days.. For example, this time, we had only one day in Sapporo.. if we could do two days.. then we can enjoy the live and I can go to eat Miso ramen noodles (laugh).
Excite: What do you think of Japanese fans who have supported you in the last 10 years?
Changmin: Even in Korea, we will go to live concert of foreign artists and listen to their songs.. but it is not very easy to support foreign artists to this extent. We are able to celebrate our 10th year anniversary is really incredible. Therefore, I am truly grateful to all our Japanese fans from the bottom of my heart.. I am frustrated that I could only say Thank you to them.
Yunho: My impression to them has changed graduately. In the beginning, because I did not get used to Japanese style, I felt a bit disappointed about the reaction of Japanese fans who listen our music quietly/deeply, some times. However, graduatelly there are more things that I could experience only here. And by now, I feel that they are our buddies. Certainly, we do not meet in private.. but when we are doing our live, we can react to each other whatever we do. We share our feelings. This is really remarkable. And I think those things are imported from Japan to Korea.. and we were able to create the TOHOSHINKI style. Fans contact each other.. TOHOSHINKI is really special. I believe it is Japanese fans who created the style.
Excite: Finally, Please give your messages to your fans.
Yunho: First of all, thank you so much for loving us for the past 10 years. Of course, I had felt responsibility as a leader but lately I feel the responsibility much more strongly at our live and on stage. At live, every time, I play the role of fool, I play silly and play goofy. But my true/real personality is nothing like that (laugh). In old interview, I said that it is okay if I die on stage. Why I thought so is all because you laugh/smile at me..something like that. I wish to keep moving on. This live is very meaningful to me. It is my speciality to show the best Yunho (laugh). Please come to our live.
Changmin: Those who come to our live, please enjoy our show. I hope you will get spirits and be energized by our concert and spend your days in this spring happily and well the best you can. and please listen to SAKURAMICHI a lot. and Please watch out for pollen allergy (laugh).
Credit: Excite Music
Shared by Uknow Paradise
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