When is the moment that you feel that you are making a good use of your experiences in the past 10 years?
They talked about each other's development as an artist and their dreams.
They have realized about each other's developments as an artist in their 10th year. "We can relax a little"
- How do you feel about celebrating your 10th year anniversary in Japan?
CM: I… Is it okay to speak truthfully to my heart? I do think that 10th year.. means that many years have passed when I look back.. but I do not think that it has a very significant meaning. This year is the same as other years.. nothing really special. I think the number of "10" which is the 2 digit number is a bit interesting (laugh). Having said that, the number is the proof that we receive a lot of love from people in Japan that is a foreign country to us. I am truly grateful to the fact.
Yunho: I've just thought about it seriously. I think it is incredible. 10 Years ago, we were teenagers. Since then we kept working in this business.. that is amazing. I do not think that many artists can get this much love from a variety of people. It is not limited in Japan but also in all Asia. It is not because that TOHOSHINKI has worked hard but it is because that we worked hard with everyone. Everyone all together has cared for "TOHOSHINKI" and worked hard. In this 10th year, I think we are creating a new history.
- Looking back the past 10 years, what is the most memorable moment for you?
CM: The live at Nissan Stadium (2013, August). I was really surprised about the fact that we could gather 70,000 people. I could not believe myself to become an artist like that. I wondered whether I could make influence to people to that extent? I can never forget that. Just in front of me, I had 70,000 people… When we were performing exciting songs, we waved our hands and jumped together with our audiences. Even 10 close friends get together.. it is not easy to become one over something, right? (laugh). But back then, we were all connected/united to make one scenery. I think it is truly amazing.
Yunho: For me, it is right now. Right now, we enter into our 10th year.. this is the most impressive moment. At a small venue or Nissan Stadium that Changmin just talked about.. Since we first arrived in Japan till now, everything is very important for me. In the beginning, it was difficult for us to get an offer for interview. We have evolved through years of experiences. This year, we will work even more harder.
- What part of your partner do you feel that he has developed as an artist?
Yunho: Changmin has evolved in many ways. About his vocal, I love his vocal now because it has become more natural. In old days, he was too focused in singing. But these days, he is getting much better in reflecting his emotions into his vocal. and i was quite amazed. Therefore he can dance much better now. His dance skills have advanced remarkably. Our staffs tell me, "Yunho, Changmin is getting dangerous! Changmin is amazing!" (laugh)
CM: From the beginning till now, and from now on…I cannot comment on Yunho's dance (laugh). He was good at it to begin with. About his vocal.. he has gotten even better to express emotions/feelings behind the song delicately. In old days, he tends to sing in a straightforward fashion, reflecting his manly personality, but these days, I can feel the depth/flexibility in his expression.
- When do the two of you feel that you are making a good use of your experiences in the past 10 years?
CM: When I do not care much even that my voice cracked at live concert (laugh).
Yunho: Yes. This time, on our first day, "Aa~h!" my voice cracked (laugh). When I was a newbie in this business, if my voice cracked.. my tension went down quickly and I was feeling down all the way until the live concert ended. But now, if that happens, I can laugh it off by saying, "This makes the live concert more fun!" (laugh) and I make it up with the next song. I think its really great that we have a space in our heart like that. Of course, I regret about the mishap still now.
CM: Because we have the 10 years worth experiences, I am able to accept that things like that happen sometimes. I think I am able to relax to that extent.
- How do you think about your Japanese fans? Do you notice any changes?
CM: I think it is not very easy to support foreign artists. We are here to celebrate our 10th anniversary.. and I am frustrated about myself to say nothing but "Thank you!". I am truly grateful to them from the bottom of my heart.
Yunho: My impression has changed. At first, I was scared of having activities in a foreign country. Japanese fans typically listen to our songs quietly and seriously .. and I felt a bit sad/disappointed about it (note: Japanese fans do not cheer or sing along like Korean fans) But gradually, we've started to share more feelings. I felt everyone as the third member of TOHOSHINKI but now I think they are much more than that. They are our buddies. They are our staffs.. something like that (laugh). Whatever we do in our live concerts, we all share our feelings/understand each other. I think this is incredible. The style of TOHOSHINKI has established through Japanese tours and we can convey it to the world. Fans all over the world communicate each other.. TOHOSHINKI fans are very special.
10 Years Beyond.. What are in the future that you are looking forward to?
- In our previous interview, you mentioned that "aging is necessary to enhance the ability to express oneself". Do you have anything that you want to experience as a man?
Yunho: There is nothing in particular. I think just being myself will become my growth ring. I think new connections and work offers will come to us naturally.
-Well then, can you tell us about your dream and future goals?
Yunho: I have kept saying this.. but I wish to continue to be on stage as long as I can. I also have a dream to have a live concert at Nissan Stadium one more time. I can never forget how excited we were when the two of us were on stage at Nissan Stadium. But back then, I think we were just lucky. I wish to stand on the stage and make sure that "This is not just a luck!" and I want to tell everyone, "Because of everyone supported us, we could come this far."
CM: In Dome tour, in some place, we have only one day concert. But I wish that we will become artists that we can have two days, three days concerts .. more days at such venue. That is my immediate goal. For example, we did only one day concert in Sapporo. If we could do two days concerts there, we can enjoy our live concert and also enjoy Miso Ramen noodles … (laugh).
Yunho: We want to create our live stages together with everyone. Of course, TOHOSHINKI do our best in singing and people listen to us.. but I want more. I wish everyone will join and create a "show" that is beyond any stages. I want to create a show where we need everyone participate.
-Finally, can you give a message to your fans?
Yunho: Thank you so very much for giving us love for 10 years. Naturally I felt responsibility as a leader from the beginning, but these days I feel responsibility more intensely on stage. I take the role of fool and I play silly and goofy but my actual character is nothing like that (laugh)! Every time on stage, I tell you, "I could die now!" the reason I could say to the extent is because you give me smiles. This concert tour is very meaningful to me. I will do all my best to show the best Yunho.
CM: Please get energized through our live and I wish you enjoy spring and stay well. Please listen to SAKURAMICHI a lot. and please watch out/look after yourself for pollen allergy (laugh).
Credit: model press
Shared by Uknow Paradise
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