November 20, 2014

[TRANS] 141119 The Korean National Assembly Library (Library of Congress) Appoints U-Know Yunho as its Knowledge Sharing Promotional Ambassador

The National Assembly Library has appointed Hallyu star, TVXQ's leader U-Know Yunho, as its knowledge sharing promotional ambassador.

In the future, U-Know Yunho is scheduled to step out in activities which promote the societal dissemination of the services advocated by the National Assembly Library jointly with the citizens and the society.

The National Assembly Library will unveil the appointment ceremony for the promotional ambassador, together with the National Assembly Library knowledge sharing homepage, and has plans to persuade many citizens, institutions and organizations to take part in the knowledge sharing services which allows the saving and sharing of knowledge and information.

Credit: Naver
Translated by mug_ping
Shared by Uknow Paradise

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