January 10, 2015

[VID/TRANS] 150110 Tohoshinki on TBS’s King's Brunch Part 2


Narration: We asked the store person for their recommendation.

Store Person: Cabernet Sauvignon It is fruity and smooth. It is very popular. 
CM: Chilean wine and Italian wine.. some of them are inexpensive but very tasty.
Store Person: This one is inexpensive but tasty.
CM: Yes, it is really inexpensive. 
Akie: Oh you are grinning.. Changmin-san…

Narration: Changmin-san cannot stop grinning… First, he purchased a bottle of wine from Chile. Then..

CM: Well. To be honest with you. I feel like that I spent too much money for Gundam..I’ve started to regret..
YH: You bought a lot.
Akie: Are you asking us whether you can cancel some of the items that you purchased?
YH: Yes..
CM: Can we do that?
Akie: I never seen a guest who spent that much money at their first shop…
CM: Please… (knelt down)
Akie: Oh.. you gonna do Hanzawa Naoki (a very popular JPN drama)?
CM: Please..
Akie: If you say so…
YH: It is okay, do not worry..
CM: Really? 
YH: It is okay. It is okay.

Narration: They gave up 5 items (in total of 59,832 yen) and Changmin-san purchased two bottles of wine. Then Yunho-san…

YH: I prefer red wine..
Akie: Are you talking about your own wine?
YH: No, not really ^^
YH: Do you have a bottle of Almaviva?
Store Person: Yes, this way.
Akie: What is it?
YH: Almaviva is a wine that I have been enjoying from awhile ago..
Akie: Really?
YH: Oh, I feel nostalgic..
Akie: Oh, so you remember something..
YH: Yes. I do
CM: Do you have some memory? (I cannot get his words..he said something more)
YH: I do not have anything!
Akie: Then why did you just pretend as if you have some memory?
YH: When I started my career as TOHOSHINKI, we received a great award.. then one of my relatives gave a bottle of this wine.
Akie: Wow, you look great.. I feel like that you can get a contract for an advertisement (CM) of wine immediately. Your eyes have power for that.
YH: Please give me a chance (consider me). I will be waiting.
Akie: HAHAHA You are good at these things.

Narration: Yunho-san purchased the bottle of wine of his memory. Here we let them have a chat while enjoying a glass of wine. They will talk about each other who are going to celebrate their 10th year anniversary this year since they debuted in Japan.

Akie: My partner is happy as long as he can eat this.
Akie: You need to answer this kind of question.
Akie: Changmin will be happy as long as he can drink (alcohol). 
YH: Yes, fundamentally he loves beer.
CM: Yes, I have a second refrigerator that is filled with bottles of beer.
Akie: Wow, you have a refrigerator dedicated to bottles of beer?
Akie: Wow, you must have many bottles..
Akie: So I guess, when you come home, you will open a pull tub and drink your beer for treating/comforting yourself?
CM: Yes.. something like that. Oh, today I worked really hard. HAHAHAHAHA
Akie: Then Changmin-san told me.. Yunho-san will be happy as long as he can eat ice cream.
CM: Once in awhile, I woke up in the morning.. and walked to the refrigerator.. and I found an ice cream wrapper in the trash can. Oh, again, YH ate ice cream in the middle of the night. ^^
Akie: Oh, ice cream in the middle of the night..
YH: In the middle of the night, I am at the balcony and eat ice cream in the chilly crimate..it is the best!
CM: It really did not make much sense when I saw him doing that. While he said he caught a cold, he had runny nose..but10 min after that, he was eating ice cream. Did not he want to be cured (free) from cold/sickness? 
Akie: Which flavor do you like the best?
YH: I love soft ice cream. 
YH: Of course, I love chocolate flavor.. but I also like strawberry.
And I love them mixed together.
Akie: Okay, Chocolate and Strawberry mix.
YH: Yes, they are the best. (No other flavor can beat the combination).

Narration: The next we asked them about features/points of their partner that they envy for.
YH: Changmin’s physique.. he is so fit and cool. Recently Changmin has been working out at a gym. Sometimes I touch his abdomen, just like that.. and the muscles are extraordinary.
Akie: Really? Can I touch..?
Akie: I came here to represent female audiences..
CM: Oh, you are going to touch me..
Akie: Is it okay for me to touch you over your gray shirt?
CM: yes, yes.
Akie: Okay.. excuse me..
Akie: OMG.. its so tight… its so tight.
Akie: It is like that I am touching a rock. There is nothing extra there (other than muscle).
YH: He is so cool. When I look at him as a man.. he is cool. 
YH: And then I thought I might want to do the same training.. but Changmin made his muscle so beautifully..
CM: While I was doing push-ups, Yunho said, Oh, you have a beautiful physique. I envy you.. but while saying that he was eating snacks. ^^
Akie: HAHAHA.. you like ice (cream) and snacks, don't you?

Akie: The next, Changmin-san told me.. he envies Yunho-san’s small face.
CM: Yunho’s face is incredibly small.
YH pulled his turtle neck sweater up to hide his chin..
Akie: Please do not hide your chin like that your face will become even more smaller.
CM: When we are taking photo shoot, even his face is so small, he moves away from the camera. 
Akie: oh, so you care about perspective.
CM: Ahh, he is not very nice.
Akie: How about the cover picture of your new album WITH?
YH: Well, we used one camera to take the picture… so I think we were in the same distance from the camera.
CM: But for me, you could sit on the sofa like this.. 
Akie: like leaning a bit forward towards camera
CM: Yes..he could do that.. but instead he leaned back of the sofa.. like this..
YH: I guess I like the posing.
Akie: Okay, then for your next single, can you do like this..
YH: Well.. I can do that..
Akie: That is good!
CM: Okay, then I will lean backwards..like this.
Akie: Can you do simulation? 3-2-1
Akie: Good! We have a jacket (cover) picture taken!
Akie: But we cannot see your face, Changmin-san!
CM: I hid it. HAHA

They then did shopping again at Lounge by Franc Franc in Aoyama. It is an interior decoration store where there are many variety of items to make your daily life vibrant/full and positive.

YH: In the summer of 2014, I moved to a new place.
Akie: I see. Was it in Korea?
YH: Yes, It was in Korea. I live by myself. 
Akie: When you come to Japan, what do the two of you do?
CM: We live together in Japan.
YH: Yes, we do in Japan.
Akie: Oh, you live together in Japan.
YH & CM: Yes
Akie: Hmm
Akie: For which place do you want to purchase interior goods? Living together in Japan? Or your single life in Korea?
YH: For both places.
CM: Hmmm, But you know, you just moved in Korea.. so do not you need to buy stuffs for your place in Korea?
YH: For both places! 
YH: I can use them in Korea and something that we need to have in Japan too!
Akie: What about these plates? I think you can have these plates..
YH: No.. not these..
Akie: No, HAHAHA
YH: I think these are more stylish than those.. 
Akie: Oh black..
CM: Wow, stylish
Akie: What kind of interior decoration you have in your mind in Korea?
YH: Masculine taste interior decoration. I want to pick items that would suit to the interior decoration.
CM: What are you looking for?
YH: Yes!

Narration: Yunho-san make a quick decision. He purchased two mug cups.

Akie: What are they?
CM: Wow
YH: Mugs
Akie: Four of them make a picture.
Akie: These are really nice for your place living together in Japan.
YH: for myself…
Akie: For yourself..do you need four of them?
CM: I envy a bit..he is buying stuff for his single life..
YH: Okay, I will get these too. These are for us living together.. and those are for me (in Korea.)

Akie: Do you need two sets?

Narration: Yunho-san really makes a quick decision. He finished his shopping within a blink of our eyes. They purchased in total of 14 items and spent 119,986 yen.

Akie: This time, the NG word that they chose for the two of TOHOSHINKI is this.
YH: Oh, As I expected.. Most likely Changmin said that.
CM: Well but..

Narration: How many items they could bring home depends on how many times they said the NG word. We will check whether Changmin-san really said the NG word, SUGOI. We will check their footage over. In total, they said SUGOI for 12 times..which means that we will take 60,000 yen worth items back from them.
Changmin 10 times, Yunho 2 time. Hard working guys!

YH: SUGOI! You are SUGOI! (YH shook CM’s shoulders)
Akie: Please do not fight.
Akie: But you can bring 60,000 yen worth items home!
CM: Yeah!!! Gundam.. Can you see this everyone? HAHAHA

Narration: So as a result, they were able to bring these items home.. and the items they could not.. we will give it to an audience. At last, we have a message from TOHOSHINKI.

YH: Our new album, “WITH”.. it means together.. it is a love of each other but also about a larger scale love. I think this album contains a lot of songs to be much loved by you all, please listen to it.

Tranlated by beriko0214

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