July 29, 2014

[NEWS] 140728 “The Night Watchman” Gives Us a Sneak Peek With Release of Four Posters

MBC’s upcoming Monday-Tuesday drama “The Night Watchman” released four teasers, each giving off a different vibe.

The first poster contains the four lead actors at the center of attention for the drama, and the second shows the seven main characters each wearing a unique style of garb that brings out their individuality.

Another shows Jung Il Woo, Go Sung Hee, Jung Yunho, and Yoon Tae Young preparing for battle. They are on the roof of a tall building, and the triumphant appearances of Jung Il Woo and Go Sung Hee are garnering attention, along with Jung Yunho and Yoon Tae Young’s overflowing charisma. Meanwhile, Jo Dal Hwan’s comical poses stand in contrast with the other characters.

Last but not least, we have the comedic, light-hearted poster, depicting Prince Lee Rin and the three ghosts that always follow him, Minister Ddoong, Eunuch Song, and Rang Yi.

The first episode of “The Night Watchman” premieres August 4 at 10 PM.

Credit: Soompi
Shared by UknowParadise

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