September 16, 2014

[TRANS] 140916 Compilation of Extracts From Articles Praising Yunho's Acting in Episode 13 of "Journal of Night Watchmen"

Not just limited to the ardent crying which poured out his emotions, Jung Yunho also made use of his entire body and perfectly digested the action scenes. In addition, through his facial expression acting which let loose the barrage of emotions, together with his his period drama speaking tone which is befitting of the circumstance, he expressed the character of Moo Seok in a charming / appealing way. Following this whereby he transformed even his style, he is raising anticipation for the "Night Watchman Moo Seok" who will be unfolding in the future.

Full article can be read here

"Jouirnal of Night Watchmen" Jung Yunho, Washing himself off of the controversy regarding his acting ability through his ardent sobbing acting 

Full article can be read here

Just like taking on the role of the best swordsman in Joseon, he had captured the small screens while he showed off his swordsmanship skills and his natural action scene acting in the first half of the drama. 
-spoilers omitted-

On this day's broadcast, ahead of the death of his sister, Moo Seok, who had shown only his composed and cold side all these while, put down everything and maximised the effect of his sadness through the look of him sobbing. He was willing to destroy (his handsome image) and while leeting the tears and mucus stream down, he poured out the sadness and stimulated the tear glands of the viewers.

This is gathering even more anticipation for Moo Seok's acting after he has become a night watchman in a full-fledged manner.

Full article can be read here

On this day's broadcast, Jung Yunho folded the controversy over his acting abilities which had been following him all these and showed his ripened emotive acting skills, receiving good reviews. The rich emotive acting of Jung Yunho, who had laid bare his painful fast whereby he had wanted to save his family but said that there was no use, stimulated the tear glands of the viewers. In addition, not just limited to the heartwrenching tears which poured out all his emotions, Jung Yunho also perfectly digested even the explosive action scenes requising the use of his whole day, elevating the anticipation for the drama.

Full article can be read here

Translated by mug_ping
Shared by Uknow Paradise

1 comment:

  1. Cheers to YUNHO for his amazing acting skill real life to MOOSUK
