August 10, 2014

[TRANS] 140809 Tohoshinki's Video Comment For Excite Music

"Everybody watching Excite Music,
Hello, this is Tohoshinki."

<About Tohoshinki Live Tour 2014 ~ Tree>

Yunho: Ah.. really, the tour this time around.. (Changmin: yep) was even more enjoyable.
Changmin: It was hot.
Yunho: Yes it was.
Yunho: Undoubtedly for 3.5 hours, filling that time up well and we also became one with the audience, we are left with many good memories.
Changmin: Should I call it a performance whereby we really worked very hard at.. The looks of us like that.. The appearances of us working hard to go "Didn't we convey everything well to the fans".. What I mean is our mindset. (Yunho: yes) I think of it that way.
Yunho: of course.

<About Tohoshinki Live Tour 2014 ~ Tree Live DVD>

Yunho: the highlight of the live DVD this time around.. there are various material elements generously included. First, in the limited edition set, there are many video clips of Tohoshinki's documentary included inside.
Changmin: Yes. And about the live concert this time around.. amongst the live concerts we have done to date, because the length of the concerts are long, (the DVD) includes the longest live concert itself to date.
Yunho: Yes, the Dome live concert.
Changmin: And also the both of us, because we really worked extremely hard, we were drenched in perspiration. Shall I say that it was the cool side of us.. because there are various stages included in there, it seems great even if everybody shows anticipation for it.

<To the fans>

Yunho: Really, thanks to everybody, the tour this time around, Tree, has concluded without any glitch. Really, even now when we recall that time, we feel our hearts pounding, I think that it was perfect to the extent of not needing any words to describe it. In the future too, Tohoshinki will be working really hard, so please cheer us on.
Both: So, this has been Tohoshinki.

Credit: TVXQDrip 토마토님
Translated by @mug_ping
Shared by UknowParadise

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